{ pkgs, inputs, ... }: { home.packages = with pkgs; [ # Generic tools age discord jellyfin-media-player firefox-bin pdfpc terminator openssl qpwgraph imagemagick maim direnv libpng p7zip lshw powershell vlc expat xdeltaUnstable transmission_4-gtk alacritty btop bzip2 croc easyeffects fd ffmpeg file glib jq kitty kubectl ncdu nwg-look mumble pavucontrol unrar protonup-qt protonup-ng mpv pamixer pinentry pulseaudio pulsemixer rbw restic ripgrep sops spotify sshfs expect # k8s tools talosctl k9s cilium-cli cmctl zenity protontricks winetricks wineWowPackages.stagingFull tokei unzip zoom-us vmware-horizon-client # Editors # vscode # Go stuff go delve gopls # js/ts nodejs nodePackages.pnpm typescript # Py stuff (python312.withPackages ( p: with p; [ pip virtualenv ipython distutils setuptools mypy pydantic poetry-core ruff maturin ] )) # Rust rustup gcc gnumake ]; }